Aligning Task-Based Resources to the OALCF project
Project summary
In 2011-12, the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development introduced the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF) for use by adult upgrading programs that are funded by the Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) Program of Employment Ontario
The main purpose of our project, Aligning Task-Based Resources to the OALCF, was to align two specific learning materials to the competencies of OALCF to make it easier for LBS practitioners to use two existing resources with their students.
“Bridging the Employment Gap for Learners with Low Literacy Skills” is a series of workforce literacy curricula in five occupational sectors – Clerical, Retail, Grounds Maintenance, Janitorial, Kitchen Help – with a sixth manual called “Ready for Work” that focuses on “soft skills” needed by all employees. These manuals are targeted to clients/learners with low level literacy, numeracy and other Essential Skills, including special needs clients, to provide learning materials and activities to help them prepare for entry-level employment and/or for further training and education.
The project created alignment charts for each curriculum, colour-coded to show the competencies, task group and complexity levels for each of the activities/tasks in the curriculum. This allows practitioners to determine if a curriculum is suitable for a specific student or to select learning tasks based on specific competencies and complexity levels.
Click here to find the alignment charts.
The resource “Goal-Directed Demonstrations” contains over 100 activities to demonstrate learning. Originally designed for use in initial, ongoing and exit assessment of learning, many of the tasks can be used as task-based learning activities or unofficial milestone-type tasks within a variety of LBS programs. Twenty-five of the tasks have been aligned to the OALCF and added to the website: Task-Based Activities for LBS.